Will Hepatitis C Testing for High-Risk Infants be Expanded?

Will Hepatitis C Testing for High-Risk Infants be Expanded?

The youngest and most vulnerable victims of America’s expanding hepatitis C epidemic are newborn babies. Yet many of those exposed to the virus aren’t getting tested. 

Amidst Tripledemic, the Burden of RSV Makes Itself Known

Amidst Tripledemic, the Burden of RSV Makes Itself Known

It’s been called the “tripledemic” – the flu, COVID-19 and RSV colliding in a dangerous viral storm. And now new data suggest that RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, may pose an even greater burden than some realized. 

Early Beginnings, Big Challenges: Breastfeeding in the NICU

Early Beginnings, Big Challenges: Breastfeeding in the NICU

Neonatal intensive care units can look like something out of science fiction. Blinking lights, machines, tubes, lines, alerts and a steady stream of people coming and going can be confusing and frightening to parents of preemies.

We Should Protect Every Baby from RSV

We Should Protect Every Baby from RSV

Health officials, the media, even the president, continue to urge Americans to protect themselves by getting vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. I hope they will take the same dedicated approach if protection from RSV is one day a reality for all babies and young children.

Enhanced Pregnancy-Related Death Data Elucidates Opportunities for Intervention

Enhanced Pregnancy-Related Death Data Elucidates Opportunities for Intervention

Nearly one in four pregnancy-related deaths was caused by a mental health condition, including suicide and drug overdose, according to newly released data. Maternal deaths that occur during pregnancy through one year postpartum are included in the compilation of data from 36 states.